The key to web solutions with great user experience – Quality Testing

Nowadays, website creation brings new challenges to creative agencies and web developers. In Cut2Code, we bring together the different perspectives of people involved in the project, developing web solutions to be displayed on different systems, devices (mobile vs. desktop) and platforms. How can we ensure great user experience for users of websites and online stores that we build? We devote even more attention to testing our solutions. At Cut2Code we have developed a process that we want to share with you.

What are the tests of any web solutions anyway?

As you probably know, it takes a few steps to get from an idea to a fully operational website. 

Testing is all about checking that all of them have been properly implemented and that the solution, on the part of the user and those who look after the user, meets the predefined requirements. Testing ensures that the website makes a good first impression, is intuitive and user-friendly.

When testing a website or an online store, we check:

  • Frontend –  the surface of the website, i.e. the layer operated by the end-user. It contains, among other elements, visuals, animations, transitions between subpages and links.
  • Backend – all the internal elements: code, elements affecting the website’s position in search engines, site management panel. Backend means anything that is hidden from the naked eye, and yet it makes for a good website.

At Cut2Code, we have compiled a special checklist with more than 30 items. We use it to check the quality of the project step by step. 

How do we conduct a test of the website?

The process is supervised by the Project Manager who is familiar with the client’s brief and understands their needs. In addition, the Project Manager acts as a liaison between the parties and is responsible for the quality of the final product. Here are some of the areas we check for you. They are rather a starting point than an exhaustive checklist. Still, it’s worth to keep them in mind. 

The first area of each web solution that contributes to user experience is the visual layer. Among a number of elements, it comprises of:

  • compatibility of fonts and alignment of text to edges, 
  • correct entry of content, videos, graphics, 
  • button size consistent with the design,
  • validation of forms – a script that checks if all fields have been populated with appropriate data.

A high-quality web development project is also characterised by an efficient functional layer. It is owing to this that the user can move seamlessly between different parts of the website and enjoy using it. Amongst many elements, we can enumerate:

  • correct display of the menu and its components,
  • transitions between elements of the site, correctness of links, operation of sliders,
  • operation of interactive forms, e.g. contact forms, website login mechanisms, newsletter subscriptions,
  • responsiveness of the website verified on desktops, tablets and mobile devices.

We check all of these elements for different kinds of systems, browsers and devices. This way, a client who uses the Safari browser on a Mac laptop will be just as happy as a Samsung user with Android. 

An additional area we test is the site management panel. Ultimately, it ensures easy addition of content and expansion of the website as desired. 

Finally, by handing over the solution created, we pass the command over it to our clients. That is why, for each project, we also check:

  • whether the appropriate site management plug-ins have been installed,
  • whether elements of the website have been optimized for SEO,
  • whether the Google Analytics and other systems indicated in the brief have been properly incorporated.

As we have mentioned at the beginning, it is only a fraction of what we check. We are committed to ensuring smooth communication and partnership between us and our clients. To not hesitate to talk about expectations and to deliver the very best solutions possible.

Our tests are carried out in two series: during the second one, the tester verifies that nothing was missed. This ensures the utmost effectiveness of verification and quality of web solutions. 

Testing for the success of the solution

We hope you now understand, how important tests are for creating a web solution that delivers great user experience. Whether it is a customized business page on WordPress, a simple landing page for a competition, or an e-commerce site on Shopify. 

If you have any additional questions about any of these areas, feel free to ask. This is what determines the quality which, in turn, translates into greater satisfaction from online shopping or the success of a marketing campaign. And therefore into a good image of your business in the eyes of your clients.


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