Cut2Code Rebranding: From now on, we are ambiscale! 

Why did we do it? (A little about history)

At the heart of our decision to rebrand is a simple truth: we’ve evolved. When we started over seven years ago as Cut2Code, our focus was on turning designs into functional websites, and our name perfectly captured that.

Today, we offer a comprehensive range of services beyond PSD to HTML. Our daily operations now encompass web development and maintenance, e-commerce solutions, design services, cyber security, migrations, and audits — to name a few. The name Cut2Code no longer reflects the full scope of our expertise.

This change reflects our internal and external growth. It’s clear: it’s time for a new name that embodies all we have become.


ambiscale – What is in our new name?

Pixels, the letter A pictured on a digital screen, and scalability were inspirations for the design of the Ambiscale logo’s emblem. The emblem is a standalone symbol and part of the brand’s visual identity graphic system.

But what does Ambiscale represent, and why is it so perfect for us? 

It merges “Ambitions” and “Scalability,” encapsulating our core identity—a company bursting with ambition, ready to grow and help our clients scale their businesses. Ambiscale reflects our commitment to developing scalable solutions that evolve with your needs.

New Visual Identification 

Pixels, the letter A pictured on a digital screen, and scalability were inspirations for the design of the Ambiscale logo’s emblem. The emblem is a standalone symbol and part of the brand’s visual identity graphic system.

Logo Ambiscale uses the Acumin Variable Pro font (semibold variant) from the Adobe CC library, emphasizing the brand’s technological aspect.

The logo’s base color is black (or white) and green. The primary color palette consists of green, purple, and black. Two additional shades have been added to the brand color palette. Depending on the background color, the colors comply with WCAG guidelines. Green refers to the Cut2Code logo, which we could observe in a gradient. We unified it into one shade to make it more universal and straightforward.

Web Design

Our website serves as our brand’s flagship and part of our marketing and sales strategy. In reshaping its design, we approached it with the meticulousness we offer our clients. Initially, we dove into UX research, which paved the way for the foundational wireframing phase. 

Subsequently, we crafted the UI elements that fit our visual identity. This careful, step-by-step approach allowed us to capture the essence of our brand in the final web design. With the design set, we smoothly transitioned into web development, excited to bring our new vision to life.


Core Web Vitals

On our new website, we’ve harnessed cutting-edge technology to elevate its performance, security, and accessibility. All solutions aren’t new to us; we implement them daily for our customers. We’ve built a secure, high-performance site using custom scripts and our experience. Our page loads fast and has high scores in Google Page Speed.

Our website is based on WordPress Gutenberg. We’ve fine-tuned performance with the WP Rocket plugin by selectively loading styles and scripts. This plugin helps us solve issues by configuring the best options for specific cases, removing unnecessary global styles, and enhancing the overall site performance. We also optimized images by converting them to WebP or SVG formats, improving load times and compatibility with modern browsers.

3D Graphics: “Bubbles”

Bubbles—the 3D Graphics is based on the library for rendering 3D graphics. It’s a custom solution based on a matcap prepared by our designer and implemented by our developer, which involves complex mathematics to control the behavior of shapes.


Our API integrations, including Clutch and Traffit, ensure optimal performance without relying on external widgets. This approach allows for more excellent performance and visual control. We’ve enhanced user experience with lazy-loaded Calendly scripts, ensuring client UX remains smooth and efficient.


We implemented accessibility features, such as accessibility of elements and navigation (including the “skip to content” button that appears when users press the “tab” key), contrasts, and clickability of elements on mobile screens. 

Programming Standards

We’ve adopted the latest JavaScript practices with ES6+, allowing us to write cleaner and more efficient code. This modern approach enhances performance and maintainability, making our website more robust and scalable.

We’ve also upgraded to PHP 8.3, using the latest methods to ensure our backend is fast and secure. This improves performance, new features, and better security, contributing to a smoother user experience and easier maintenance.


For SEO, we’ve meticulously structured our HTML semantically, ensuring that our site maintains or even boosts traffic during migration. This careful structuring helps search engines understand our content better, improving rankings and visibility. You can be confident that our website is optimized for maximum visibility.

Cyber Security

From a coding perspective, we’ve ensured that our website is secure by following the best practices to eliminate vulnerabilities. A security plugin helps enhance security by changing the login URL, hiding plugin versions, and implementing various other measures. These combined efforts significantly bolster the overall security of our site, protecting it from potential threats and ensuring a safe experience for our users. In addition, we have applied other security methods that comply with current standards.

Our Team

At Ambiscale, our experts and partners are the heart of our rebranding journey. Everyone has been pivotal, from Marketing Manager and Board Members to Administration, Designers, Web Developers, DevOps, and other specialists. The Project Manager kept a vigilant watch over all web development activities, ensuring the new website was aligned perfectly with our vision. 

We conducted a photo shoot in our office to highlight the people behind our brand. These images will enrich our website and serve as valuable assets for presentations and social media, making our experts more visible and connected to our community.

At ambiscale, we mark companies’ presence in the digital world.
We are thrilled about the current development journey and can’t wait to achieve new goals with our clients!

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